Welcome to the Pickaway Metropolitan Housing Authority Website

Notice of Waitlist Closing

Effective 07/11/2022, due to HUD guidelines regarding length of waiting lists, the PMHA will no longer be accepting applications for the following program: Public Housing one bedroom

Waiting lists for this program will remain closed until further notice. Said notice shall be made by future publication in the Circleville Herald. All other waiting lists currently open for application will remain open.

The Pickaway Metropolitan Housing Authority is now open to the public. For your safety and the safety of our staff, we encourage you to continue to conduct business remotely when possible. Our office staff can be reached by email or by calling 740-477-2514 Monday – Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. In our outer lobby, you will find applications, rental listings, landlord listings and other information. This information is also available on our website as is the contact information for each member of our staff. Please take a few moments to look over the opportunities provided by our website as many operating functions can be completed here.

Welcome to the Pickaway Metropolitan Housing Authority's website. Thank you for your interest in the programs managed by our agency. We hope this website will serve as a guide to our policies and programs and that it will be used as a tool to assist you with your housing needs.

The Pickaway MHA is a political subdivision of the State of Ohio and was created in 1972 by authority of the Ohio Revised Code. Pickaway MHA serves Pickaway County, Ohio and is governed by a five member Board of Commissioners serving five year terms upon appointment by local elected officials.

The Pickaway Metropolitan Housing Authority’s (PMHA) Mission is to assist low and moderate income persons with safe, decent, and affordable housing opportunities as they strive to achieve self-sufficiency and to improve the quality of their lives. The PMHA is committed to operating in an efficient, ethical and professional manner and in partnership with clients and community agencies. The agency further strives to promote public understanding of federal fair housing policies and laws.

The Pickaway MHA operates subsidized housing and administers programs of housing assistance, primarily partnering with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the United States Department of Agriculture, Division of Rural Development. In doing so we oversee programs featuring:

  • 108 units of subsidized public housing
  • 661 rental assistance housing choice vouchers, including 26 VASH vouchers
  • 141 units of subsidized housing serving the elderly, disabled or handicapped
  • 16 units of Rural Development housing
  • A volunteer Family Self Sufficiency program for voucher participants

We hope this website will answer many questions that you have about our program and about our agency. If you have additional questions, please contact us so we may personally assist you with your housing needs.

Please also remember that it is extremely important that all applicants keep our office informed on your current contact information, including address, telephone number and household composition.


Joy Ewing
Executive Director

Click here to read the full Non-Discrimination Statements from USDA and HUD